Daniel Deusser with his horse showing an incredible style
Gridwork is incorporated into every top showjumpers training program and should be incorporated into those training programs of all showjumpers. Gridwork has huge benefits for all horses, young or experienced as well as riders. The level of technicality of the gridwork should be directly proportional to the level of the horse and rider combination.
What are the benefits?
- Improving balance of horse
- Improving confidence of horse, especially young horses
- Improving horses technique + style
- Improves areas which horse need correcting
- Allows combination (horse and rider) to practice straightness and accuracy.
- Allows rider to improve balance
- Allows rider to improve style - seat, hands ,leg etc.
Gridwork should ideally be done under the eye of an instructor/ knowledgeable helper who can help with adjustments of poles, riders position, way about doing gridwork etc.
Things to note:
- distances must be correct
- amount of girdwork should not be overdone, very taxing on horse + rider
- better to start of slow and build up on technicality and height
Very useful Distance calculator
Things to note:
- distances must be correct
- amount of girdwork should not be overdone, very taxing on horse + rider
- better to start of slow and build up on technicality and height
Very useful Distance calculator
Gridwork exercise example 1
Gridwork exercise example 2